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3 minute readInsurance companies see many claims during the holiday shopping season. Items get stolen out of cars or even from beneath your beautiful

4 minute readThe question really should be, “How do I prevent a kitchen fire?” It’s much easier and less costly to maintain a clean

4 minute readHalloween is many things to many people. For kids it’s all about dressing up, having fun with friends and eating lots of

3 minute readTomorrow is going to officially be 2016. It’s a New Year. It’s January 1 – the first day of the calendar year

2 minute readThis year, Halloween falls on a Saturday night. How perfect for hours of costume prep before skipping door-to-door for candy. Therefore, it

2 minute readTailgating gained popularity in the US, especially during sporting events, festivals, and concerts. Even though it might sound ridiculously simple to plan