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4 minute readSpring is finally here, which means warmer weather perfect for a scenic bike ride. Although riding a motorcycle is an exhilarating thrill,

3 minute readTo set premiums, insurance providers consider multiple factors such as location data, claims history, and even the cost of repairs. When these

3 minute readCatalytic converter theft is at an all-time high nationwide. Normally functioning as an antipollution device, the auto part is a popular target

3 minute readIt’s hard not to love California. With its large population and diverse culture, it’s no surprise that the Golden State has garnered

4 minute readWhen it comes to auto insurance, certain circumstances usually result in your rates increasing. For example, being involved in an at-fault accident

4 minute readWatching your teen reach the milestone of passing their driving test may bring up more worries than excitement. How did it come to