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need a new car

8 Signs It’s Time To Get A New Car (And Which Cars To Avoid Buying)

    6 minute read

    Has your car been making a weird noise lately? Then, it might be time to trade it in for a newer model. Depending on just how long you’ve owned your car, you may have already paid it off. That’s a nice feeling. But it’s not a nice feeling to have to fork over a few thousand dollars every six months to get a different car part fixed. In fact, the nicest feeling would be to get a new car instead. Read More »8 Signs It’s Time To Get A New Car (And Which Cars To Avoid Buying)

    Get Ready for the Great California ShakeOut

      5 minute read

      It’s the 11th anniversary of the Great California ShakeOut, which takes place this year on October 17th at 10:17 A.M! Everyone is encouraged to participate in this earthquake drill, whether you’re at home, work or school. The main goal of the ShakeOut is to make sure Californians are prepared in case of a major earthquake. Below, you’ll find more information on the event and important earthquake-safety tips.Read More »Get Ready for the Great California ShakeOut

      dui charges in california

      The Different Types of DUI Charges in California | Alcohol & Marijuana

        5 minute read

        Everyone knows that they shouldn’t drink and drive, or else they are risking a DUI. But, did you know that there are several types of DUI charges with different penalties? Not only that but there is also a DUI you can be charged with for smoking marijuana and driving, too. Your best bet is not to drive while under the influence of any drug. This is the only way to keep you and others around you safe. Plus, it’s illegal to drive under the influence of both alcohol and marijuana in California.Read More »The Different Types of DUI Charges in California | Alcohol & Marijuana

        What Auto Insurance Company Should I Choose?

          5 minute read

          Let’s say you were to do two quick Internet searches. One asks, “what are the best auto insurance companies?” The other asks, “what are the worst auto insurance companies?” Both searches would result in lists with the same Auto Insurance companies in various order. Not to mention the fact that every list ranks these companies based on different factors. So, how do you know which Auto Insurance company to choose?Read More »What Auto Insurance Company Should I Choose?