Purchasing Auto Insurance is a scary, unfamiliar process to most young adult drivers. Obtaining your own Auto Insurance policy is not only a sign of adulthood, but also an added expense that probably makes your wallet hate you just a little bit more. Generally, as a student (high school or college), you are not taught much about Auto Insurance. That leaves it up to you to figure out how to obtain insurance, where to purchase it, what type you require and how the coverage works. Luckily, AIS is here to assist you in all aspects of this sometimes confusing process.
“We Search. We Find. You Save.” Hopefully, the AIS slogan is a comforting and accurate representation of getting a Car Insurance quote from us. There are two main ways to get a free quote with AIS: Over the phone or online. We had a young adult go through both processes herself. Now, we present to you the pros and cons of each quoting method to help you determine which one better fits your needs.
Getting a Free Online Auto Insurance Quote
Are you the type of person that tends to get anxious just thinking about talking to a stranger? Then getting an Auto Insurance quote online is perfect for you. Many young adults are tech-savvy and used to doing things online. So, it only makes sense that many of them would feel more comfortable receiving an insurance quote online, as well. The best part of getting an online quote is that you don’t have to deal with any wait times on the phone. You also don’t have talk to someone you don’t know. Plus, the online quotes at AIS are instant and always available on the AIS Insurance website.
You can get a free online quote from AIS here: AIS Auto Insurance Quote.
Apply. It takes about five minutes to get an online quote if you have all of your information ready before you begin filling out the form. The questions are very straightforward, making the form fast and easy to fill out.
- Compare. After submitting your information, the quotes are instantly presented to you. Then you can see all of the offered rates. This makes them much easier to compare. You can compare your rates based on value, coverage or other preferences. Numerous options of Car Insurance policies are available to review from different carriers at different price points.
- Customize. If you want to customize your coverage limits, you can easily do that on the form. After customizing coverage limits, your results immediately adjust so you can compare your updated rates.
If you decide that you want to buy one of the Auto Insurance policies offered to you, you still have to call an agent to complete the purchase. (However, AIS will soon have a 100% online buying process, so be on the lookout!)
- If you’re unfamiliar with Car Insurance, you won’t have anyone to help you understand the terms and limits of the quotes when you go through the process online. Of course, you can always Google words and questions. However, talking to an AIS Insurance Specialist who can easily explain the Auto Insurance coverages in a simple way is more convenient and accurate.
Getting a Free Auto Insurance Quote by Phone
As a young adult, you’re probably stressed out by your lack of knowledge about Auto Insurance. The amount of insurance companies out there can also be overwhelming. Are you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Then calling in to get a free Auto Insurance quote on the phone may be the best method for you. On the phone, one of our experienced agents at AIS will help you get your quote. They can also explain your policy options and help you determine which deductibles, limits and coverages you need. An AIS Insurance Specialist can even see if there are any other discounts you qualify for.
You can get a free Auto Insurance quote from AIS by calling this number: (855) 919-4247.
- Apply. It takes less than ten minutes to get a quote over the phone if you already have all of your information handy. It’s best to have your VIN and odometer number ready to go. These are common pieces of information required by Auto Insurance companies.
Learn. The AIS Insurance Specialist on the phone with you can explain insurance coverages in a way that you’ll understand, even if you know nothing about insurance. They will also be able to answer questions like: How much coverage do I need? What are my payment options? What are the differences between these insurance companies?
- Compare. Your agent will give you your quote and let you know which rate is the lowest, as well as which one provides the most coverage. Our AIS agents do whatever they can to ensure you have a policy that properly fits your needs.
- Customize. If you want to customize your coverage, your agent can easily help you with that, too. They can tell you the different rates for a higher deductible, extra coverage and more. Ask them about optional coverages like Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage, Renters Insurance and Roadside Assistance to see if they’re something you should add to your policy.
- Buy. Once you’re on the phone with an agent, purchasing your new Car Insurance policy is easy! They will explain your payment options and take your payment information over the phone for a quick and secure way to pay. Most insurance companies offer automatic payment plans that make things even easier for you, too.
It can be more difficult to compare the rates when they aren’t right in front of you. However, your agent will send you the list of rates via email to compare once they have completed the quoting process with you over the phone. Once you receive the email, you and your agent can go over the rates together.
- Depending on the time of day, your wait time to speak with an agent may be more than a few minutes. However, AIS agents know that you have a busy schedule and work their best to make the quoting process as quick and easy for you as possible.
We’ve Got You Covered
Whether you’re a bit shy when it comes to speaking with a stranger or desperately in need of someone to explain Auto Insurance terms to you over the phone, it’s good to know that the quoting processes online and over the phone are very similar in accuracy and ease. The questions are the same and you’ll receive the same rates. One of the best parts about the AIS quoting process is that for both options, you get a copy of your rates emailed directly to you. If you’re getting a quote online, you can also print the quote page from your browser. If you’re getting a quote over the phone, your agent will email a copy of your rate to you, so you can see it with your own eyes.
As a young adult, AIS makes comparing Car Insurance rates a breeze. Once you receive a free quote with us, we’ll make sure you have great coverage at a great price. We also know how important it is that you are properly insured in case of any accidents, emergencies or mishaps. AIS is here to provide you with the peace of mind that you’re insured with a great Auto Insurance company who will protect you on the road.
The information in this article is obtained from various sources. This content is offered for educational purposes only and does not represent contractual agreements. It should not replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. The definitions, terms and coverage in a given policy may be different than those suggested here. Such policy will be governed by the language contained therein, and no warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.