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Top 10 Ways to Score Discounts on Your Auto Insurance

    5 minute read

    Guess what? Your Auto Insurance doesn’t have to be expensive. There are also several discounts you may qualify for depending on your insurance provider. Are you a safe driver, good student or homeowner? If you answered yes to any of those, you can qualify for an Auto Insurance discount on your policy just by being you. All you have to do is ask your provider how! To speak with an Insurance Specialist, call (855) 919-4247.Read More »Top 10 Ways to Score Discounts on Your Auto Insurance

    DUID Is the New DUI: What California’s Marijuana DUI Laws Look Like

      6 minute read

      California is now a state in which anyone over the age of 21 can legally buy marijuana for recreational use, much like they would a six pack of beer. But, as with anything new, the laws surrounding the use and possession of the drug will probably see some changes as time passes. For now, we’ve compiled some useful information about existing restrictions. Marijuana DUI laws also leave some marijuana users confused about their rights. Under Vehicle Code 23152€ VC, driving under the influence of marijuana is a crime, plain and simple. California law enforcement has already begun devoting much thought and action into enforcing California’s DUI laws, which include impaired driving as the result of ingesting or smoking marijuana.Read More »DUID Is the New DUI: What California’s Marijuana DUI Laws Look Like

      The Top 10 Car Apps for Smartphones We Can’t Believe You Are Living Without

        4 minute read

        If you have a smartphone, then you probably never leave home without it. You may rely on it for navigation, to check emails and social media messages, and even for work-related matters, not just personal ones. We’ve become addicted to these gadgets, no doubt. But, instead of fighting it, why not utilize these pricey phones for all they’ve got? With the right car apps, your daily routine can become so much easier. You may even save a couple of dollars along the way, too.Read More »The Top 10 Car Apps for Smartphones We Can’t Believe You Are Living Without