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road trip destinations

What Are The 8 Best Road Trip Destinations for Summer 2020?

    4 minute read

    Most international vacations and getaways are canceled this summer, but that doesn’t mean you should cancel all the fun! Domestic travel, specifically a road trip, is a great way to see new sights and spend time with family. You’d be surprised at the wonderful destinations we’ve listed below, as they aren’t on your typical road trip bucket list. Although, we’re sure they will be now!Read More »What Are The 8 Best Road Trip Destinations for Summer 2020?

    how covid-19 changed everything

    How COVID-19 Has Changed Traffic, Car Insurance, and More in the U.S.

      4 minute read

      There are many changes that have happened over the last couple months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Changes that you might not have noticed if you’ve been staying home are the ones happening on the road. There’s been significantly less traffic in commonly bustling cities, record-low gas prices and a plethora of speeding tickets. So, what will happen when people start driving normally again?Read More »How COVID-19 Has Changed Traffic, Car Insurance, and More in the U.S.

      What Auto Insurance Company Should I Choose?

        5 minute read

        Let’s say you were to do two quick Internet searches. One asks, “what are the best auto insurance companies?” The other asks, “what are the worst auto insurance companies?” Both searches would result in lists with the same Auto Insurance companies in various order. Not to mention the fact that every list ranks these companies based on different factors. So, how do you know which Auto Insurance company to choose?Read More »What Auto Insurance Company Should I Choose?

        increasing auto insurance rate

        Why Does My Auto Insurance Rate Keep Increasing?

          4 minute read

          Did you check your bank statement last month and see an increase in your Auto Insurance rate? Insurance providers typically review policies at the time of renewal, which is when your rate can change for a number of reasons. Some of these reasons may be in your control, like getting a speeding ticket, moving closer to work or adding a teen driver to your policy. However, there are other factors that affect your Auto Insurance rate that may be out of your hands.Read More »Why Does My Auto Insurance Rate Keep Increasing?