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auto insurance life cycle

The Life Cycle of Your Car & How it Affects Auto Insurance

    5 minute read

    In the United States, having a car is just a part of life. Public transportation is limited in most places, so having your own vehicle is essential to getting where you need to go. Some people have their cars for years and years until it just can’t drive anymore. Others choose to lease their vehicle or trade it in for a new model every few years. So, how does your choice in vehicle and lifestyle affect your Auto Insurance?Read More »The Life Cycle of Your Car & How it Affects Auto Insurance

    Flash Floods and How to Avoid Car Damage

      4 minute read

      It’s peak flash flood season which means you need to drive extra carefully. August and September typically see the most flash floods, which can happen anywhere and at any time. It’s important that you’re aware of the dangers of flash floods, especially when you’re driving. It’s also important to ensure that your Auto Insurance covers you in case your car does incur flood damage as a result of one.Read More »Flash Floods and How to Avoid Car Damage