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auto insurance

What Does Your Credit Score Have to Do with Car Insurance?

    2 minute read

    Most people understand that they need a good credit score to secure a mortgage or get an auto loan with a decent interest rate. But were you aware that your credit score can affect how much you pay for auto insurance? Depending on where you live, credit scores may not be a car insurance rating factoring. Also, if you have good credit, your rates might be even lower in some states.Read More »What Does Your Credit Score Have to Do with Car Insurance?

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    How Does Your Job Impact Your Auto Insurance Rates?

      2 minute read

      Car insurance companies determine rates based on mathematical formulas that calculate risk regarding a variety of factors. Among these are how long you’ve been driving a vehicle, where you live and your driving history. However, other factors, such as occupation can also impact your auto insurance rates. What you do for a living can either cost you more or provide you with auto insurance discounts in California.Read More »How Does Your Job Impact Your Auto Insurance Rates?


      Does Your Mileage Matter for California Car Insurance?

        3 minute read

        In California, the type of vehicle you drive does matter. California car insurance premiums depend on many factors, including how old, expensive, safe and theft-prone your vehicle is. Another major determinant in your auto insurance rate has to do with how much you drive. In other words, your annual mileage. Essentially, the fewer miles you drive, the lower the risk you’ll be involved in a collision. And Auto Insurance companies like low-risk drivers.Read More »Does Your Mileage Matter for California Car Insurance?

        Why Don’t Millennials Want to Drive?

          3 minute read

          You’re sitting in the passenger seat of your mom’s car waiting for her to take you to your best friend’s house. You’re fifteen and a half. This means you can get your driver’s permit and soon you can get your driver’s license, too. Your friend just turned sixteen and got her license, but her parents can’t afford to buy her a car. Plus, they don’t want to put her on their Auto Insurance and pay for her gas.Read More »Why Don’t Millennials Want to Drive?