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What Does Your Credit Score Have to Do with Car Insurance?

    2 minute read

    Most people understand that they need a good credit score to secure a mortgage or get an auto loan with a decent interest rate. But were you aware that your credit score can affect how much you pay for auto insurance? Depending on where you live, credit scores may not be a car insurance rating factoring. Also, if you have good credit, your rates might be even lower in some states.Read More »What Does Your Credit Score Have to Do with Car Insurance?

    New Safety Features Can Save You Money on Car Insurance

      3 minute read

      It wasn’t too long ago that carmakers were touting advanced safety features like anti-lock brakes and airbags. Now standard features on vehicles include more advanced technology like traction control, tire pressure monitoring and cruise control. These safety features are no longer novelties, but expected instead. Therefore, engineers continue to develop more devices that keep drivers and passengers safe on the road. Guess what? There’s another bonus to having these safety features on your car. They can save you money on Car Insurance.Read More »New Safety Features Can Save You Money on Car Insurance