If you’re like most people, you depend heavily on your car. It’s the transportation you use to get to and from everywhere you go pretty much every day. You rely on your car to get you where you need to go, so why wouldn’t you want coverage that’s just as reliable?
When your car has a mechanical breakdown, it can put a huge crimp in your lifestyle. Living without a car makes it difficult or even impossible to get to work and do everything you need and want to do. You may be forced to ask friends or family members to give you rides. You may have to use public transportation. If there’s an emergency, your options are limited to calling someone for help or calling an ambulance. It’s one thing to have car trouble and get it fixed in a day or two, but what if the repair cost is more than you can afford? What if the mechanic is backed up and can’t fix your car for a week?
There is a way to protect yourself from unpredictable repair costs, loss of use of your vehicle, and rental fees that don’t fit into your budget. The way is Mechanical Breakdown Insurance.
How Can Mechanical Breakdown Insurance Help?
Mechanical Breakdown protection is a type of coverage that typically covers the cost of certain repairs on your vehicle, towing in the event of a breakdown, rental car costs and trip interruption costs. Depending on your policy, other benefits may also be included. Some policies even transfer to another owner if you sell your vehicle.
This coverage is not a part of most Auto Insurance policies. However, it can usually be added for an extra cost or purchased separately. Carrying Mechanical Breakdown Insurance means that you don’t have to worry about what happens if your car breaks down.
Mechanical Breakdown v. Extended Warranty
In some ways, Mechanical Breakdown Insurance is similar to an extended warranty. Both types of coverage pay for certain repair costs after the car’s original warranty runs out. Both can be added right into the purchase price of the car. And both provide additional coverage at an additional cost.
So, what’s the difference between the two? Well, extended warranties don’t typically cover towing or rental costs. Warranty companies also aren’t as regulated, so they may not be as reliable. They can also be more expensive than a Mechanical Breakdown policy even when they don’t provide as much coverage.
Read the Fine Print First
Mechanical Breakdown Insurance can have fairly specific conditions when it comes to what types of repairs are covered. That’s why it’s so important to read all the fine print before purchasing the add-on.
Look out for any exclusions, and which stipulations need to be followed for the claim to be valid. Common stipulations include regularly servicing and maintaining your vehicle, as well as using the recommended type of gas.
- If your issue is considered to be a pre-existing fault, it won’t be covered either.
- In addition, having multiple problems in a short period of time is called multiple faults, which can cost you extra and cause some repairs not to be covered.
- Also, keep in mind that most Mechanical Breakdown Insurance policies have a deductible.
- It’s usually possible to go to any dealership or mechanic you wish, but check your policy for limitations on this as well.
You may also be interested to know that having this type of protection may get you better prices on parts and labor if your deductible isn’t met. There may also be no impact on Auto Insurance premiums for filing a claim under a Mechanical Breakdown Insurance policy.
Is Mechanical Breakdown Coverage Worth It?
Like with any add-on coverage, it may not be worthwhile for all drivers to carry Mechanical Breakdown Insurance. If you have a newer car, it is likely to be under warranty from the manufacturer already. Or, if you have an older car, then the rate may be too high because of the increased risk of a breakdown. And if you have savings that allow you to pay for repairs and rental car expenses, then there isn’t much point in paying monthly or one-time premiums for this coverage.
However, there are many situations where it makes sense to purchase Mechanical Breakdown Insurance. Those with limited income or who have trouble maintaining sufficient savings to cover a major repair may be better off paying a small monthly premium rather than a costly repair all at once.
Every driver needs to carefully consider the benefits and costs of Mechanical Breakdown Insurance. Because these policies are detailed and contain many exclusions, it is important to be fully informed so you can make a decision that best suits your needs.
Our Insurance Specialists are experts in all-things Auto Insurance. We can help you determine if Mechanical Breakdown Insurance makes sense for you. We can also provide you with a free quote and find you the best rate available. Speak with an agent today at (855) 919-4247.
This content is offered for educational purposes only and does not represent contractual agreements. The definitions, terms and coverages in a given policy may be different than those suggested here. Such policy will be governed by the language contained therein, and no warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.