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road trip destinations

What Are The 8 Best Road Trip Destinations for Summer 2020?

    4 minute read

    Most international vacations and getaways are canceled this summer, but that doesn’t mean you should cancel all the fun! Domestic travel, specifically a road trip, is a great way to see new sights and spend time with family. You’d be surprised at the wonderful destinations we’ve listed below, as they aren’t on your typical road trip bucket list. Although, we’re sure they will be now!Read More »What Are The 8 Best Road Trip Destinations for Summer 2020?

    Kids, Cars and Heatstroke

      4 minute read

      This summer has been hot, hot, hot! That means you need to be extra careful about what—and who—you leave in the car. We all know that you should never leave an infant, child or pet in the car under any circumstances. Not even for a minute. However, it’s especially important to remember this in the summer. Will you be driving infants or children around this summer? If the answer is yes, there are several things you need to know about heatstroke, your car and how it reacts in heat. Check out our useful facts and tips to learn how you can keep your young passengers safe and cool during the summer months.Read More »Kids, Cars and Heatstroke