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Pros and Cons of Automatic and Manual Cars

    3 minute read

    When purchasing a new car or truck there are so many makes and models to choose from that it’s hard to know where to start.  Therefore, you may still be deciding whether you want an automatic or manual transmission.

    Automatic Transmission vs. Manual Transmission

    An automatic vehicle is certainly the most popular option, especially for the first time car owner, and with good reason. There are a lot of excellent benefits to owning an automatic car. However, if you’ve driven a stick shift before, then you know just how fun they are to drive because they’re more interactive than an automatic vehicle. While both have their pros and cons, understanding more about each can help you make the right decision.

    Automatic Pros:

    1. automatic or manual driveAutomatic vehicles are easier to use because the transmission does the shifting for you.
    2. When driving an automatic car, you are able to keep both hands on the wheel. This adds safety to everyday driving, especially for the new driver.
    3. Driving an automatic car tends to be more comfortable since there are only two pedals to work with and the driver doesn’t need to concentrate on shifting gears.

    Automatic Cons:

    1. Automatic vehicles cost more in the long run. They cost more upfront and require more maintenance because of their complex design system.
    2. With an automatic vehicle, you rely on the torque converter to switch gears for you which makes it less fuel-efficient.

    Manual Pros:

    1. automatic or manual driveDriving a stick shift gives you more control since you control gears, thus making it easier for you to slow down and/or stop.
    2. Manual transmissions require less maintenance because they are a much simpler design. However, the clutch may need to be repaired or replaced at some point.
    3. Manuals are also more fuel-efficient since you’re not using as much power as an automatic car.
    4. On average, standard transmissions are usually cheaper than their automatic counterparts.
    5. Also, because manuals are less popular than automatics, they are less likely to be stolen.

    Manual Cons:

    1. When driving a stick shift, you need to take one hand off the wheel to shift gears and there’s an extra pedal to deal with.
    2. Constantly working the clutch of a manual transmission can become uncomfortable, especially if you drive in high-traffic areas. This can lead to some pain in your muscles and joints.
    3. Learning how to drive a stick can take some time. Do not expect to purchase a manual transmission and drive it off the lot if you’ve never driven one before.
    4. Reselling a manual vehicle can be cumbersome since a number of people prefer to drive an automatic car. Many people don’t know how to drive a manual.

    So, Automatic or Manual?

    For first time car buyers, an automatic vehicle is probably the better choice. This is because it’s easier to learn how to drive this type of car. However, for experienced drivers, a stick shift may be just what you’re looking for in your brand new car. Your new car purchase should reflect on your environment, skill level and personal preferences. If you’re not sure if you should choose an automatic or manual car, call an Insurance Specialist at (855) 919-4247. They can give you a free quote on how much it would cost you to insure each type of car you’re looking to buy.

    The information in this article is obtained from various sources. This content is offered for educational purposes only and does not represent contractual agreements, nor is it intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. The definitions, terms and coverage in a given policy may be different than those suggested here and the language contained therein will govern such policy. No warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.