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Auto Insurance Rates - teen daughter driving with dad

The Truth About Teen Drivers & Auto Insurance Rates

    5 minute read

    In today’s world, teenagers are masters of all things relating to smartphones, cat videos and eye rolling. However, one skill some teens struggle with is operating a motor vehicle. Yes, it’s about that time when you have to teach your teen to drive. Not only that, but you need to add them to your Auto Insurance policy. Oh, the horror. Because of your teen driver’s inexperience on the road, Auto Insurance companies charge higher insurance rates for them than they do adults. There aren’t many ways you can get around the expensive cost of insuring teen drivers. However, there are some discounts and tricks you can do to offset some of the rate increase. Read More »The Truth About Teen Drivers & Auto Insurance Rates

    homeowners insurance - fallen tree

    How Does Home Or Auto Insurance Work If A Tree Falls On My Home or Car?

      2 minute read

      You’ve probably experienced a very windy day at some point in your life. Your hair whips around your face and small debris blows into your squinted eyes. Sometimes, winds can get up to 30 mph on a normal windy day. That’s how fast a car drives through a residential area. What happens if that 30 mph wind knocks over your neighbor’s tree onto your car or house? Imagine the damage that would be done. Does your Homeowners or Auto Insurance cover this?Read More »How Does Home Or Auto Insurance Work If A Tree Falls On My Home or Car?