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How Does Your Job Impact Your Auto Insurance Rates?

    2 minute read

    Car insurance companies determine rates based on mathematical formulas that calculate risk regarding a variety of factors. Among these are how long you’ve been driving a vehicle, where you live and your driving history. However, other factors, such as occupation can also impact your auto insurance rates. What you do for a living can either cost you more or provide you with auto insurance discounts in California.Read More »How Does Your Job Impact Your Auto Insurance Rates?

    California Motorcycle Insurance: Know What You’re Buying Into

      3 minute read

      California’s scenic landscape and iconic culture make it a popular state for motorcycle enthusiasts. According to Department of Transportation, there are over 800,000 registered motorcycles in the state. This doesn’t even account for the many tourists who come to the Golden State to tour the coastline, the Sierras and the major cities. If you live in California and own a bike, there are several things that you need to know about California Motorcycle Insurance.Read More »California Motorcycle Insurance: Know What You’re Buying Into