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Trust Endorsement - big house on corner lot

Homeowners Insurance: Why You Need A Trust or LLC Endorsement

    5 minute read

    As a homeowner, you may wonder if you need a Trust or LLC Endorsement. First, let’s define these terms. A Trust is a fiduciary arrangement that lets a third party, or trustees, hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries. An LLC, also known as a Limited Liability Company, is a business structure that limits liability of the owners. So, which one should you include on your Homeowners Insurance policy?Read More »Homeowners Insurance: Why You Need A Trust or LLC Endorsement

    homeowners insurance - fallen tree

    How Does Home Or Auto Insurance Work If A Tree Falls On My Home or Car?

      2 minute read

      You’ve probably experienced a very windy day at some point in your life. Your hair whips around your face and small debris blows into your squinted eyes. Sometimes, winds can get up to 30 mph on a normal windy day. That’s how fast a car drives through a residential area. What happens if that 30 mph wind knocks over your neighbor’s tree onto your car or house? Imagine the damage that would be done. Does your Homeowners or Auto Insurance cover this?Read More »How Does Home Or Auto Insurance Work If A Tree Falls On My Home or Car?