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Cars and Auto Insurance

How Can I Find Out What’s on My California Driving Record?

    3 minute read

    You may be aware of the fact that your life is categorized in a series of records. You get a birth certificate at birth and a social security number before you start working. Your home address, employment information and tax filings are all in a database somewhere. Well, there’s also a record that tracks your driving mishaps. More specifically, your driving record keeps track of all of the moving violations, license points and auto accidents that you have accumulated in recent years. As a Californian, you have the right to see what’s in this important document.Read More »How Can I Find Out What’s on My California Driving Record?

    Help! How Do I Get Car Insurance?

      2 minute read

      If you’re a teenager or a recent arrival to California, you may have wondered How do I get a driver’s license? Then you discovered the procedure that involved studying driving laws, getting behind-the-wheel experience, passing the exams, and going to the DMV for your license.

      If you’re out on your own for the first time, you may have asked yourself How do I buy a car? Then you checked out ads, went to dealerships, negotiated price, obtained financing, and signed on the dotted line.

      Even though you’ve figured out how to overcome these two obstacles, there’s still one more question you must answer before getting out on the roads: How do I get auto insurance?

      Thankfully, obtaining auto insurance is usually much easier than getting your license or purchasing a car.

      Read More »Help! How Do I Get Car Insurance?

      car insurance payments

      Should You Pay for Your Car Insurance Yearly or Monthly?

        3 minute read

        Once upon a time, the only way you could purchase Car Insurance was to pay for it six months or a year in advance. This required some forethought and budgeting for drivers. Saving enough money to foot the bill for that annual or semi-annual payment could be difficult for many people. As more states began requiring Car Insurance, insurers slowly began making the payment process more convenient for drivers. They started offering policies with monthly payment options. Today, it’s more common to submit a payment each month for your Auto Insurance than it is to pay semi-annually or annually.Read More »Should You Pay for Your Car Insurance Yearly or Monthly?