Entrepreneurial burnout can come at any time but for many, the end of the year is particularly difficult. This is a time when business managers and bosses go into overdrive to ensure a strong finish. Through it all, it’s important to keep in mind that you are one of your business’s greatest assets. A healthy, well-rested and focused version of you is crucial to your success. Here are some ways to avoid burning out, or as we call it, Boss Burnout.
Talk It Out

Yes, reading business articles such as these is great. However, do you remember a student counselor recommending a mentor? Well, finding a mentor in business is not a bad idea either. You may not have a mentor at the time, but regularly communicating with a peer in business can really help you put things in perspective. Having someone that you can bounce thoughts and feelings off of will not only clear your mind, but it will also help curate your plans for success.
Get Physical

Who doesn’t want to look better and stay in shape? Besides fighting off flab, regular exercise is a great way to reduce stress that leads to burnout. It leads to an all-natural high from the release of endorphins that comes with exercising. You’ll feel energized and more positive after a good workout. This new-and-improved you will benefit your business, too. You also don’t need a gym membership or elaborate equipment. A simple search on YouTube for “home workout routines” will give you a great place to start sweating your stress away.
Say No

You may be surprised at the importance of learning to say no. You may feel like you want to take on the world and do it all yourself, but you can’t say yes to everything that comes your way. Stretching yourself too thin is the opposite of what it means to be successful because you won’t be able to give 100% of your focus to a million tasks at once. Learning to say no can be particularly difficult for those who are naturally people pleasers. However, from a management standpoint, giving out too many yeses can mean you’re biting off more than you can chew. Carefully weigh the pros and cons of the things you agree to take on. You can’t jump on every opportunity, fulfill every personal favor or attend every meeting. Be mindful of your yeses and remember the old saying, “It’s better to under-promise and over deliver.”
Delegate Tasks

So, we’ve established that taking on more than you can handle will hurt you and your business. One solution to this is delegation. Delegating can allow you to accomplish extra work without putting all of the burden on your own shoulders. Allow yourself to trust responsible partners and employees and delegate matters that are well within their capabilities. Not only will this provide immediate relief, but you will nurture trust and help develop others in a way that continues to provide support and growth. And don’t worry, you’re still the boss.

You can probably remember a time without mobile devices. Before smartphones, it was easier for business owners to keep work life and personal life separate. Don’t use your personal time for work and learn to unplug while you’re at home. Leave your phone charging in your bedroom while you eat dinner. If you go to the park or visit family or friends, put your phone on silent and enjoy the moment. If putting your phone on silent is still too distracting, turn it off. Don’t worry, your messages and emails will still be there for you when it’s time for you to be working again. Always being connected may seem like a great way to stay productive, but it can easily become counterproductive, too.

You may need to do more than just disconnect from your cellphone. Go out for an hour at least one day a week. Schedule time off for yourself and enjoy a vacation away from work every once in a while. This may be particularly difficult if you feel that you always need to be around for things to run smoothly. However, you don’t want to be that person who works themselves day in and day out but doesn’t enjoy the fruits of their labor. You can squeeze in one major trip a year to explore another part of the world and one or two weekend trips for a quick, much-needed getaway. Traveling not only helps rest the mind, but you may come back feeling inspired and refreshed. You may even make some new friends along the way.
There is something therapeutic about having a few minutes to yourself every day to just think to yourself. Whether it’s meditation, reflection or some other practice, quiet time can be great for the mind and the body. For some, meditation works wonders and now there are even mobile apps that can show you how if you don’t know where to get started. Having a few minutes to yourself each day is a simple step in avoiding boss burnout.
Get Insured
Business owners take several steps to protect their businesses. They insure their businesses to cover unfortunate events and implement policies to prevent them from happening in the first place. Make sure you have the necessary Business Insurance needed to give you peace of mind that your business is protected. You don’t need anything else to stress about. Call a Business Insurance Specialist today at (866) 570-7335.
Then, think about the tips we provided as personal policies you can implement for yourself to prevent burnout. Are you already feeling the stress creeping up on you? Check out these slides from WebMD on busting stress and be sure to try a couple of them today.
The information in this article is obtained from various sources. This content is offered for educational purposes only. No warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.