A Few Tips When Considering Switching Auto Insurance

Almost every day, you see or hear advertisements that urge you to switch auto insurance providers. Many companies try to target the “grass-is-always greener” mentality in an effort to earn your business. Although you may be wary of what is promised in ads, it is true that many drivers can save money by switching to another insurance carrier.
There are a few specific situations that should prompt you to seriously consider finding a new auto insurance company. Here are five of these scenarios:
1. Your rates are raised – to no fault of your own. Yes, it is understandable to see your premiums increase if you get into an accident or receive a speeding ticket, but sometimes insurers will boost their rates based on the behaviors or statistics of people “like†you — rather than for something you did specifically. Be it age, marital status, or occupation, insurers can tag you and penalize you for the driving habits of others. That is when you may want to consider shopping around.
2. You receive poor customer service. With so many technological advancements these days, you no longer have to suffer through excruciatingly long periods of “holding†on the phone, unreturned email and voice messages, or sluggish, inadequate customer support. If you feel that your insurance company is not providing you with the attention and promptness you expect, then perhaps it is a good time to start shopping.
3. You receive poor service on your claim. Often, you cannot determine the true quality of an auto insurance company until you have to file a claim. When you need to contact your insurer due to a collision, theft, or vandalism, the company should address your claim promptly, keep you updated on its progress, and compensate you fairly. If this does not happen, then your insurer is likely not servicing you the way they should be.
4. Your insurer does not have a website (or has one that functions very poorly). It is the 21st century. Therefore, there are no excuses for an insurance company to lack an online presence. The site does not necessarily have to offer comprehensive services like web chat, 24/7 immediate response, or premium calculators (like AIS Insurance). It should, however, list the products and services it offers, the company’s physical address (not a PO box), and pertinent contact information. If these things are not present, you may want to consider your options.
5. Your personal situation changes. A change in auto insurance companies does not always have to be prompted by something the company does or does not do for you as a customer. If you buy a new car, move to a different address, add a teen driver to your policy, or get a new job that requires you to drive more (or less), then it is in your best interest to obtain quotes from other auto insurance providers. You may be able to save a significant amount of money.
If any of the 5 listed scenarios sound familiar, you should contact Auto Insurance Specialists today. They work with dozens of auto insurers and can compare policies to find the coverage that is perfect for your needs.
This content is offered for educational purposes only and does not represent contractual agreements. The definitions, terms and coverage’s in a given policy may be different than those suggested here and such policy will be governed by the language contained therein. No warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.